Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday morning at the Casino and Family Wedding!

Sitting in the lobby of the Oneida Casino while Dad tries to win thousands....or hundreds...or just not lose his stash!!!! Interesting watching people walk by. I have studied a bit of Spanish, worked on a sketch, and read a chapter in my current book. So time to catch up the blog next!

Big family wedding last weekend. My nephew, Brian, married his sweetheart. We are all thrilled to have Lauren an official member of the family. Seems like she has been part of us for a very long time already though. So this is just official. Best of all, was that my parents were able to join in the festivities. Mom danced at the wedding....surrounded by daughters, grand-daughters and friends. What a wonderful sight to see! And dad was crushed in hugs from the bride and groom. Truly a joy!!!

This week I have been on a sewing kick. Made myself two skirts and my niece one to wear when she watches her boys play baseball. The skirt for Liz is in Neenah Rocket Red!!!!! Can't beat a mom who wants to support her boys! Pics, hopefully, will follow.

But, for now, here is the wedding couple and their parents. My sister Jo, her husband Monny, and the new Mr. And Mrs. Brian and Lauren Hjerstedt. Happiness to all!!!

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