Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Christmas in May

Ok-I know it's not really Christmas but I'm trying to get my arms around a Christmas wall-hanging design. Jeanne and I have laid out all our Christmas folders of ideas and need to pull them together into one cohesive plan. I'd like to be able to start laying out something by the end of May. That would give us about 3 months to get everything ready and several samples made before we start to plot out what to introduce at the Houston International Quilt Market.

Besides that, Jeanne is working on June's Sophie design. We've plotted out the balance of the year but this particular block is giving her a few problems. (Could it be because I've changed my mind 3 times???, that can't be it!)

This weekend there is a plant and flower sale at The Paine Museum that we want to go to. I think it should be great fun if there isn't any rain. I hope to spend some time at a booth featuring orchids. A friend from high school has been raising orchids. I bought one from her in March that is doing so well I think I may need another one! An event like this always gives inspiration and new ideas. Maybe some of the new Japanese prints that are in the market would be perfect for an orchid-inspired design. We'll see!


  1. Thank you for the great Sophie BOM designs! I found out about it at the Chicago quilt show and have enjoyed stitching them up since then. Have you been to Quilt Market before? I am interested in getting into pattern design myself and was wondering what Quilt Market is like. Can't wait to see June's Sophie block!

  2. Audrey-thanks so much for the compliments on Sophie. We love her too! We have been to Houston 6 times I think and have been to Spring Markets in Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Minneapolis. Big markets like that are so exciting to be at but, from a vendor in a booth perspective, very expensive. As new designers we quickly found out that it is all about who you know and who you can network with. To just set foot there and have a booth to share your patterns cost a minimum of $1,000. We'd be happy to share some of our experiences with you. We've been lucky enough to be "adopted" by other designers and that helped us start out. We'd be pleased to do the same for you. Sharing is what it's all about! If you'd like to email me off line, pleas do so!
